6 files
Facebook Posting Process
By Scott Todd
About This File
When you want your marketing process and specifically, your Facebook postings to happen like clockwork you need to create a solid workflow and in this Processmodo Thursday, we build the process to manage the process.
If you are a Processmodo user, you can download this file and import it into your system in order to have a head start on the process creation.
Video - You can watch this video as I go through the process of creating the workflows.
Intake Process
By Scott Todd
About This File
This process was created for Brandon based on his intake process and in this Processmodo Thursday, we build the process to manage the property from deal acceptance to deal closing.
If you are a Processmodo user, you can download this file and import it into your system in order to have a head start on the process creation.
Video - You can watch this video as I go through the process of creating the workflows.
Mailing Matrix
By Scott Todd
About This File
The mailing matrix is the kick off of our mailing process, we want this to happen like clockwork you need to create a solid workflow and in this Processmodo Thursday, we build the process to manage the process.
If you are a Processmodo user, you can download this file and import it into your system in order to have a head start on the process creation.
Video - You can watch this video as I go through the process of creating the workflows.
Property Tax Bills
By Scott Todd
When you get stacks and stacks of invoices from the land you own, you need a process to handle the workflow and in this Processmodo Thursday, we build the process to manage the paper and the bills through the process. In this workflow we will design the process, utilizing Dropbox, Zapier, Processmodo and Xero in order to streamline the handling of all these paper invoices.
If you are a Processmodo user, you can download this file and import it into your system in order to have a head start on the process creation.
Video - You can watch this video as I go through the process of creating the workflows.
Terms Sale - Payoff Process
By Scott Todd
So what happens when someone pays off their terms sale purchase on a land contract?
In this Process Thursday video, we build the process for ensuring that deed moves through the process and provides communication to the customer so that they can approve the deed, get notified once it's notarized and then again when it's recorded. As the deed is moving through the process, we are also double checking to make sure the the taxes are paid and then again wrapping everything up.
If you are a Processmodo user, you can download this file and import it into your system in order to have a head start on the process creation.
Video - You can watch this video as I go through the process of creating the workflows.